Fifth Dimension
of the Odd Flat
Visual Identity, Exhibition Graphics
For someone well acquainted with the fifth dimension, nothing would have been easier than to expand space to the desired proportions. I'll say more, respected lady – to devil knows what proportions!
Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita
Possibly the most well-known flat in Moscow, the Odd Flat number 50 was a home of the author of 'The Master and Margarita' from 1921 until 1924. Some events of the famous novel take place in this flat located nearby Patriarch Pond, where the novel begins. State Mikhail Bulgakov Museum was opened in 2007 and is telling the visitors not only about the writer's life, but also about the environment, culture and urban life of Moscow of the 1920s.

In 2011 State Mikhail Bulgakov Museum's project Fifth Dimension of the Odd Flat became the winner of the VII grant contest Changing Museum in a Changing World in the Socially Oriented Museum Programs nomination organized by The Vladimir Potanin Foundation.

The project intends to present an absolutely new image of a literary museum – vivid, animated, interactive and, first and foremost, accessible to everyone including the visually impaired visitors and people with weak eyesight.

The main challenge was to show the museum to those visitors who were not able to see it with their own eyes, for whom hearing and sense of touch were the only ways of perception and to create an equally exciting experience for all visitors. Another challenge was to create the project's visual identity and exhibition graphics also for those who were not able to see it. In order to achieve these goals we closely worked with accessibility experts.

Now the museum space is filled with music created by contemporary composers and sound artists exclusively for the Fifth Dimension of the Odd Flat project. One of the most innovative contemporary sound systems is now installed at the museum and besides special sound excursions-trips, a series of concerts, workshops and exhibitions will be held within the project.
State Mikhail Bulgakov Museum

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